
Lontalius - I'll forget 17
Josh T Pearson - Last of the Country Gentlemen
Pegase - Another World
Dilly Dally - Sore
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

U2 360° At The Rose Bowl

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Garbage : Tracklist de "Beautifulgarbage" (parue le 01/09/2001 )

Le 01 Octobre prochain sortira le nouvel album de Garbage intitulé "Beautifulgarbage". Voici les titres qui composeront cet opus : Shut Your Mouth, Androgyny, Can't Cry These Tears, Til The Day I Die, Cup of Coffee, Silence Is Golden, Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!), Breaking Up The Girl, Drive You Home, Parade, Nobody Loves You, Untouchable, So Like A Rose.