
Pegase - Another World
Lontalius - I'll forget 17
Sonic youth - Simon Werner a Disparu
Dmitry Evgrafov - Collage
Fortune - Staring At the Ice Melt

Rage Against The Machine - Battle of Mexico

Brève parue sur i-muzzik

Belle And Sebastian sur iTunes (parue le 21/11/2005 )

Le 06 Décembre sur iTunes sera disponible l'album "If You're Feeling Sinister: Live At The Barbican" de Belle And Sebastian. Tracklist : "The Stars of Track And Field", "Seeing Other People", "Me and the Major", "Like Dylan in the Movies", "The Fox In The Snow", "Get Me Away From Here, Im Dying", "If Youre Feeling Sinister", "Mayfly", "The Boy Done Wrong Again", "Judy And The Dream Of Horses". Rappelons que le prochain album studio du groupe s'intitulera "The Life Pursuit".