
Blockhead - The Music Scene
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Jori Hulkkonen - Man From Earth
Efterklang - With The Danish National Orchestra Performing Parades
Dmitry Evgrafov - Collage

REM - Perfect Square

Brève parue sur i-muzzik

DVD live de Radiohead (parue le 04/11/2005 )

Le 21 Novembre sera disponible le DVD live de Radiohead "The Astoria London Live". Ce concert datant de 1994 etait deja disponible au format VHS. Rappel de la tracklist : "You", "Bones", "Ripcord", "Black Star", "Creep", "The Bends", "My Iron Lung", "Prove Yourself", "Maquiladora", "Vegetable", "Fake Plastic Trees", "Just", "Stop Whispering", "Anyone Can Play Guitar", "Street Spirit (Fade Out)", "Pop Is Dead", "Blow Out".