
Timber Timbre - Timber Timbre
V&A - Watergate 06 by dOP
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Fortune - Staring At the Ice Melt
Dmitry Evgrafov - Collage

U2 - Go Home live from Slane Castle Ireland

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The Scottish Play de Wire (parue le 01/02/2005 )

Wire a prévu la sortie du double disque au format cd/dvd intitulé "The Scottish Play : 2004". Au programme un concert donné au Triptych Festival en Ecosse au mois d'Avril dernier. Tracklist de "Triptych Festival" (CD et DVD) : 99.9, Germ Ship, Mr. Marx's Table, 1st Fast, Read & Burn, The Agfers of Kodack, Comet, In the Art of Stopping, Spent, I Don't Understand, Strange, 106 Beats That, Surgeon's Girl, Pink Flag. Tracklist de "Flag:Burning" (DVD) : 1st Fast, Comet, Spent, I Don't Understand.